cljdoc &
Jakub Holý 2020-12-04T07:43:28.165100Z

How do you read in the code? E.g. the EDN reader (which you don't use) can be provided with a list of data readers. And you know where those are declared, in data_readers.clj[c] at the top of the classpath.

Jakub Holý 2020-12-04T07:44:49.165300Z

I don't know if it would be possible to have a fallback data reader that simply replaces everything unknown with nil, that would be I assume good enough for analyzing the code and simple. > Default reader tags are defined in but may be overridden in data_readers.clj or by rebinding If no data reader is found for a tag, the function bound in will be invoked with the tag and value to produce a value. If default-data-reader-fn is nil (the default), a RuntimeException will be thrown. so it should be possible