sundbp 2019-04-02T07:42:13.079200Z

@vlaaad I'm looking at editing when main window is closed. I have found on-close-request event. Internet suggests Platform/exit is a reasonable thing to run. Is there a cljfx pattern or api to follow?

vlaaad 2019-04-02T07:43:10.079700Z

no api/pattern, use (Platform/exit)

vlaaad 2019-04-02T07:44:08.080800Z

there is also a thing called (Platform/setImplicitExit true) to automatically exit jvm on closing window, and cljfx sets it to false to allow reloaded workflow

vlaaad 2019-04-02T07:44:41.081400Z

you can call (Platform/setImplicitExit true) in your production initialization code after requiring cljfx

sundbp 2019-04-02T12:29:41.081700Z

Ok, thanks.

sundbp 2019-04-02T19:40:25.082400Z

btw, I seem to be having no luck on the implicit exit. need to get my logging going before being able to say conclusively what’s going on.

vlaaad 2019-04-02T19:48:46.082500Z

Oh, I just remembered, if you are using create-app, you are using agents, and should call shutdown-agents on exit, so probably exit should be explicit in that case

vlaaad 2019-04-02T19:50:42.082600Z

If your application eventually exits (in around a minute I think), then it's agent threads that are not allowing vm to finish