sotrhraven 2019-04-21T16:49:31.008900Z

Can you use fxml files with cljfx?

vlaaad 2019-04-21T17:08:32.009Z

@sotrhraven no and yes :) No: cljfx has no dependency on openjfx-fxml because it solves the same problem and I think does it better: you can iterate on your app when it's live, compared to fxml which is a layout without context/data. It's more visual though, and does not require knowledge of exact components and prop names beforehand. Yes: cljfx is extensible, so you can write your own lifecycle that loads fxml and use it like that: {:fx/type ext-fxml :resource "path/to/res.fxml"}

sotrhraven 2019-04-21T17:14:26.010700Z

@vlaaad Ok, thanks for the answer. I think I will have to try both to see what I like more.