When I lein run
with exclusions I get this stack trace https://pastebin.com/kwXGyJWV
Hmm are you sure you have JavaFX on classpath?
JavaFX is linked to OpenJDK11 as a module when compiled https://pastebin.com/DFWPWncH
and I'm pretty sure lein just uses whatever jdk is on $JAVA_HOME
unless you manually override it
So does lein uberjar
work then?
Does your application have access to JavaFX modules? I'm not sure how to give it via lein, probably by some jvm opts..
Hmm no, I'm getting the same stack trace
The only thing I've been able confirm is that java files using the jfx library compile and run
ok, I found the jvm option and tried doing this. :jvm-opts ["--add-modules" "javafx.base" "javafx.controls" "javafx.fxml" "javafx.graphics" "javafx.media" "javafx.swing" "javafx.web"]
, but I get the error Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.base not found
it seems as through it's unable to access the modules, but I'm not sure why