fubar 2020-01-03T01:59:02.021900Z

Hi, what does app distribution look like for cljfx?

vlaaad 2020-01-03T09:14:02.022200Z

Hi @jon920! Not as great as for the web, to be honest. You build stripped down jdk using jlink (part of a jdk), and then you need to create bundles for target platforms by yourself. The only project I've seen doing that (Defold editor) has custom cpp launcher that launches jdk with uberjar. You probably don't need cpp, just some script that executes one binary with jar argument. As far as I know, there are efforts to simplify this process by building tool called jpackage, which will be a part of next jdks, and that's currently a work in progress. There is also signing step for macos...