OrdoFlammae 2020-04-07T21:29:53.037600Z

I'd like to get started with cljfx, but I don't even know JavaFX. Is there somewhere I can learn both at the same time, or would y'all recommend that I learn JavaFX first?

paul a 2020-04-07T21:41:45.039300Z

i've been having that problem too. i'm a bit familiar with reagent, which i think is useful context, but overall it's a bit difficult for me to find my way through cljfx/JavaFX. i have a hunch that i'm missing a bunch of useful context, but i'm not sure what precisely that context might be

paul a 2020-04-08T16:37:23.047600Z

thanks! that might be useful. ideally, i wouldn't have to know much about JavaFX to be successful with cljfx. i was able to accomplish much of what i wanted with reagent, and i still don't know react at all. i think that whatever you write depends on your audience; there's an audience that's already familiar with JavaFX, and there's an audience that isn't familiar with JavaFX or any similar library. i've never really made any GUI outside of the browser, so i'm not familiar with whatever conventions JavaFX might follow; i also don't know Java, just clojure

paul a 2020-04-07T21:42:07.039800Z

that said, i have had some success reading the cljfx source, cljfx examples and the JavaFX docs