@vlaaad Congrats on building cljfx — I loved the talk you gave on it, and it was si compelling that I tried writing my first desktop app in a long, long time. I love that you can model the re-frame event model. The example applications in the repo were great!
Over the weekend, I tried writing a toy program to browse/search a large, saved RSS archive. I will post the repo soon. I am amazed how much you can build with so little code.
One question: is there a way to create a :web-view
, but give it an HTML string instead of a URL? (There’s a StackOverrflow message on using the `WebEngine.loadContent` method WebEngine.load
method here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20149894/how-to-load-webpage-from-a-string-of-html-code-in-javafx-webviewer
Is there a way you’d recommend calling alternate methods to a UI control?
(I’m using a workaround of putting the HTML string into a file, and reading it from there… but more wondering about how one can access the methods of the JavaFX UI controls, call them, etc…. THANKS in advance!!)
@vlaaad — wow, figured it out… web-view-with-ext-props
. 🤯🤯🤯 That’s amazing….
> (def web-view-with-ext-props
> (fx/make-ext-with-props
> {:load-content (prop/make (mutator/setter
> #(.loadContent (.getEngine ^WebView %1) %2))
> lifecycle/scalar)}))
exactly! 🙂