Hello. I asked a question yesterday. My main is:
(defn -main
[& args]
(fx/mount-renderer gui/*state gui/renderer))
Guess that's the problem...
Oh. Thanks. I'm a total newbie in devops-related stuff on java/clojure interop. Sorry for the questions that might be trivial
np, it’s a common issue 🙂
unfortunately, this is a javafx issue — not much can be done about it
I’m not usually active in the #beginners channel, I think for cljfx-related questions this channel might be a better place
@vlaaad do I still have to use :uberjar {:aot :all}?
you don’t have to, but for faster startup time it’s a good idea to AOT-compile your clojure
I added :aot :all but its just hangs even with :jvm-opts ["-Dcljfx.skip-javafx-initialization=true"
😞 @vlaaad
can you show your project.clj file?
have you added (:gen-class)
to your ns definition with -main
@altjsus ^
It was the stuff with platform/exit or something