I have a XYChart with a line on it and i want to highlight the rightmost value of the line on the Y axis, how do I do something like this in FX? I realize this is probably kind of advanced and will require manually just drawing a shape on the screen. Any tips for doing stuff like that? If I have a shape, how do I "put it in the axis"? Here's what I'm looking to do:
I know this might not be very cljfx specific, hope it's ok to post some more general javafx stuff here, otherwise I can delete
Although, I am also specifically wondering how do do this in cljfx 🙂
hmm, don't really know, the closest thing I have in mind is showing the number on a data point itself:
{:fx/type :line-chart
:x-axis {:fx/type :number-axis}
:y-axis {:fx/type :number-axis}
:data [{:fx/type :xy-chart-series
(let [data (->> 0
(iterate #(-> % (+ (rand)) (- 0.5)))
(take 50)
(map-indexed vector))]
(->> data
(map (fn [[i n]]
{:fx/type :xy-chart-data
:x-value i
:y-value n})))
[(let [[i n] (last data)]
{:fx/type :xy-chart-data
:node {:fx/type :label
:style {:-fx-font-size 10}
:text (format "%.2f" n)}
:x-value i
:y-value n})]))}]}
cool, that should be good enough, thanks!!
hi, I am trying to produce an AOT compiled artifact from a project using cljfx and I read in the readme that I need to call javafx.application.Platform/exit
after compiling the files
I am using leiningen and could not find a good way to do that
do you have any hints?