thom 2021-06-20T18:57:57.002200Z

is there a way to specify @font-face rules with Charmingly Simple Styling?

thom 2021-06-22T20:28:05.003600Z

The only issue here is that it seems valid to specify multiple font-face rules. I wonder if extending the syntax to accept a vector value and just repeating the key for each might be a simple solution?

vlaaad 2021-06-22T20:45:28.006100Z

ah, that's a good point

vlaaad 2021-06-22T20:45:36.006300Z

please file an issue!

vlaaad 2021-06-20T19:02:21.002300Z

cljfx/css is pretty dumb (or simple, of you wish), it only converts maps to indented curly-braced blocks. {"@font-face" {:src ...}} should do the trick