
ClojureScript compiler & std lib dev,
mkvlr 2019-11-14T08:50:55.298300Z

my compile error just popped up again, three files are affected, all missing just the namespace in one function def:

mkvlr 2019-11-14T09:05:22.298700Z

it’s just missing the namespace, so somewhere swallowing com.nextjournal.journal.views.

thheller 2019-11-14T10:15:23.300300Z

@mkvlr that looks very much like a threading issue. like 2 threads writing the same file. do you use :parallel-build at all?

thheller 2019-11-14T10:15:26.300500Z


thheller 2019-11-14T10:15:57.301200Z

one extra ) at the end. but also name overlap before, as if the output slightly shifted because some other thread got a few bytes in before

thheller 2019-11-14T10:17:27.301400Z

the first part is this call

thheller 2019-11-14T10:18:48.302Z

then suddenly some other bits appear that don't belong there

thheller 2019-11-14T10:19:26.302500Z

I would suspect threads. either just actually writing to the same file or just messing with *out* somehow (unlikely given its a thread-local but who knows)

thheller 2019-11-14T10:29:24.303600Z

the others look like just the ns is missing but I suspect there might be more errors in the files. it just stops parsing at the first one. did you try manually adding the ns and see how far it gets?

thheller 2019-11-14T10:31:00.303800Z

also note

return (new com.nextjournal.journal.views.billing.t_com$nextjournal$journal$views$billing135573(null));
,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"initial-data","initial-data",-1315709804),null,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"options","options",99638489),new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 1, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"watch-atom","watch-atom",-2134031308),false], null)], null));
})], null));


 * Positional factory function for com.nextjournal.journal.views.billing/t_com$nextjournal$journal$views$billing135465.
com.nextjournal.journal.views.billing.__GT_t_com$nextjournal$journal$views$billing135465 = (function com$nextjournal$journal$views$billing$__GT_t_com$nextjournal$journal$views$billing135465(meta135466){
return (new com.nextjournal.journal.views.billing.t_com$nextjournal$journal$views$billing135465(meta135466));


return (new com.nextjournal.journal.views.billing.t_com$nextjournal$journal$views$billing135465(null));
,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"initial-data","initial-data",-1315709804),null,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"options","options",99638489),new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 1, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"watch-atom","watch-atom",-2134031308),false], null)], null));
})], null));


thheller 2019-11-14T10:31:13.304100Z

definitely overlap in the billing.js. the same code repeating in the file pretty much makes it clear its a thread issue?

mkvlr 2019-11-14T11:58:32.305600Z

@thheller yes, we’re using :parallel-build. Let me try to produce the error again and see if there’s more errors… I didn’t save the build folder 🙈

thheller 2019-11-14T13:27:26.306600Z

@mkvlr note that :parallel-build is unlikely to create issues in the same file. that should still only compile once. so more likely that it is something related to your build setup in general. running multiple watches or so.


Tested master on Pitch code base, seems to work fine.

dnolen 2019-11-14T15:47:42.308100Z

@mkvlr you're not trying to use the REPL at the same time as the build is running are you?

mkvlr 2019-11-14T15:54:01.309800Z

@dnolen figwheel builds on boot and we do connect emacs automatically on boot. Should we delay that until the first compile is done?

mkvlr 2019-11-14T15:54:56.310400Z

will check in what order things are happening exactly…

dnolen 2019-11-14T16:08:48.311300Z

well if the REPL itself triggers some compilation this won't be coordinated with the first build pretty sure

dnolen 2019-11-14T20:31:32.311700Z

fixed the node lib load-file issues at the REPL

dnolen 2019-11-14T20:31:38.311900Z

applying 3077

dnolen 2019-11-14T20:31:43.312100Z

anything else we should consider?

dnolen 2019-11-14T20:31:54.312300Z

(for a release)

Filipe Silva 2019-11-14T20:59:55.312500Z 🙂

dnolen 2019-11-14T21:11:07.313Z

well that's for core.async 🙂 there's no need to coordinate that

👍 1
dnolen 2019-11-14T21:11:26.313400Z

but yes, I think that looks ok will get that in my queue soon

❤️ 1

Maybe ?

thheller 2019-11-14T21:20:52.314200Z

maybe dunno about the state of the patch though

lread 2019-11-14T23:09:25.316500Z

sooo... I created a few patches what seems like a long time ago... I am foggy now and forget how to tell which patches are being considered for release.

lread 2019-11-15T17:00:23.318600Z

@mfikes is there a jira search for this?