
ClojureScript compiler & std lib dev,

I've just noticed that parse-ns is memoized so there's probably nothing to optimize

borkdude 2019-12-14T16:27:36.014800Z

is it a good rule for a CLJS linter to have that when a namespace like [cljs.spec.alpha :as s] is required, that cljs.spec.alpha$macros is a valid namespace to use?

borkdude 2019-12-14T16:29:51.015100Z

e.g. now it produces:

FAIL in (unresolved-namespace-test) (unresolved_namespace_test.clj:23)
expected: (empty? (lint! "(ns foo (:require [])) ($macros/x)"))
  actual: (not (empty? ({:file "<stdin>", :row 1, :col 32, :level :warning, :message "Unresolved namespace$macros. Are you missing a require?"})))

borkdude 2019-12-14T16:48:19.015600Z

I now treat it as if it's cljs.spec.alpha

lilactown 2019-12-14T21:16:11.016100Z

I've never seen that $macros used before