
ClojureScript compiler & std lib dev,

Is it a known issue where async cljs tests are running twice after hot reload?


Feels like test env is not being cleared, but looking at the code cleaning the env is always called in the end.

dnolen 2020-04-03T12:47:20.153800Z

@roman01la don't think anyone has reported that bug before

dnolen 2020-04-03T12:47:34.154300Z

but goes w/o saying this needs reproducer w/ just ClojureScript

dnolen 2020-04-03T12:47:40.154500Z

i.e. standard REPL only

dnolen 2020-04-03T12:47:47.154800Z

(require 'foo :reload)


ok, I'll try that

dnolen 2020-04-03T13:16:30.155900Z

I will note that I use the standard Node.js REPL and reload test namespaces quite a bit and I've never seen this problem


Just tried it, couldn't repro as well


time to dig into tooling... 😫

ak-coram 2020-04-03T14:27:32.157500Z

I have the following issue with trying to use cljs.analyzer.api

ak-coram 2020-04-03T14:30:34.159300Z

by external dependencies I mean the CLJS/JS sources that are not directly part of my project, but are added to my classpath via tools.deps

ak-coram 2020-04-03T14:31:51.160700Z

I can build my project just fine via and I'm not sure how cljs.analyzer.api is different in handling these dependencies

dnolen 2020-04-03T14:32:10.161Z

you need to make sure you're using the deps alias

dnolen 2020-04-03T14:32:55.161800Z

also an example of the api calls you're making would be helpful

ak-coram 2020-04-03T14:36:27.163Z

sure, so for building this works fine:

 {:output-to "resources/public/js/app.js"
  :output-dir "target/cljs"
  :externs ["lib/externs.js"]
  :optimizations :advanced
  :main "example.core"
  :source-map false
  :pretty-print false
  :pseudo-names false
  :elide-asserts true
  :fn-invoke-direct true
  :parallel-build true})

ak-coram 2020-04-03T14:39:51.163500Z

but when I try to run analyze with the same options:

(cljs.analyzer.api/analyze-file (<|> "src/cljs/example/core.cljs") {...same options...})

ak-coram 2020-04-03T14:40:29.163800Z

I get No such namespace: react, could not locate react.cljs, react.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "react" in file file:/usr/home/ak/.m2/repository/reagent/reagent/0.10.0/reagent-0.10.0.jar!/reagent/core.cljs

ak-coram 2020-04-03T14:43:38.164400Z

let me know if I can provide any additional info

dnolen 2020-04-03T14:50:34.165500Z

@ak407 yeah you can't call it like that - you need to make a compiler state first and pass it as the first argument

dnolen 2020-04-03T14:53:13.165900Z

@ak407 and there's actually no good way to do it via a public api in the current release

ak-coram 2020-04-03T15:02:54.166800Z

@dnolen: thanks, good to know. any non-public api I can use? 🙂

dnolen 2020-04-03T15:04:15.167400Z

(cljs.env/default-compiler-env compiler-options)

dnolen 2020-04-03T15:04:35.167800Z

then try passing that as first arg to analyze-file

dnolen 2020-04-03T15:06:56.168900Z

@ak407 if you're doing tooling or heavy-duty analysis also not much wrong w/ just using the analyzer directly - there's the risk that your tool might break of course but you just have to live w/ that

dnolen 2020-04-03T15:08:23.169400Z

we don't change the details of the analyzer that often

ak-coram 2020-04-03T16:12:19.169800Z

@dnolen: thanks again, I'll give it a shot

dnolen 2020-04-03T16:13:17.170400Z

@ak407 in the next release this will be cleaned up a bit if you discover analyze-file is good enough for what you want to accomplish

dnolen 2020-04-03T16:13:52.171200Z

(ana.api/analyze-file (ana.api/empty-state options) ...)