
ClojureScript compiler & std lib dev,

not directly related to cljs dev, but have anyone noticed any performance regressions in Safari/JSC recently? IIRC JSC used to be the most performant engine when benchmarking cljs

raspasov 2021-04-12T12:44:08.059200Z

@roman01la I haven’t anecdotally, but haven’t done any benchmarks (I run CLJS on JSC with iOS/React Native ). Have you noticed anything?


not sure yet, Safari's devtools doesn't help much to answer the question. Btw is there a way to install an older version of the browser on macOS?

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:25:35.059800Z

@roman01la I haven't checked recently - what are you observing?

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:26:16.060400Z

to be clear what I observed was that functional patterns didn't lose

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:26:23.060700Z

core.logic was fastest on JSC

raspasov 2021-04-12T13:26:27.060800Z

Not sure, if I have to guess - no.

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:26:48.061400Z

I think self-hosted had the edge there but not huge

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:27:15.062200Z

if you looked at persistent data structures directly I think the gap wasn't so significant between JSC & V8

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:27:37.062700Z

but JSC was definitely faster

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:27:47.063400Z

and surprisingly close to Clojure JVM

raspasov 2021-04-12T13:28:07.064Z

One thing I learned recently is that JSC apparently doesn’t JIT inside of React Native. Only in Safari. Not sure what the implication of that is (if any).

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:28:34.064800Z

that's always been true

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:28:45.065400Z

hasn't had any meaningful impact on RN adoption

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:29:02.065900Z

the interpreters in JSC are not slow

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:29:20.066400Z

well the one right before the JIT anyway

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:29:24.066600Z

or two

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:29:30.066900Z

there's a bunch of levels

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:30:05.067900Z

RN in general is UI stuff

raspasov 2021-04-12T13:30:07.068100Z

Yes, it’s not new 🙂 I just recently learned that there’s (some) difference between what iOS does inside of Safari and RN. I used to think “it’s the same”.

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:30:09.068200Z

not inner loop stuff

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:30:24.068600Z

so for many apps - can't possibly matter

raspasov 2021-04-12T13:31:09.070Z

Yea, I don’t have perf. problems per se. Phones getting faster and faster each year; For most UI stuff you can’t tell the difference at all. And with stuff like Reanimated V2, things really fly anyway (even for UI animation).

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:31:16.070200Z

in theory it could impact the PD (persisten data structure) stuff

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:31:29.070700Z

but again, the amount of data you can present to a UI

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:31:34.071Z

on a phone is TINY

👍 1
dnolen 2021-04-12T13:32:17.071700Z

probably tablets might matter

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:32:29.072200Z

but tablets are getting as fast if not faster than laptops

raspasov 2021-04-12T13:32:34.072400Z

Why tablets specifically?

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:32:44.073100Z

you can present more data

dnolen 2021-04-12T13:32:48.073300Z

more components etc.

raspasov 2021-04-12T13:33:00.073700Z

Yeah… still maybe 2x more; not that different.


I'm observing marginally slower runtime performance, but don't want to blame JSC at this point. Either Safari's DevTools are not reliable at tracing or there's something else.

raspasov 2021-04-12T13:36:07.075600Z

Are you running in browser, RN, or else?




but I've just asked, maybe someone knows something, don't want to spend anyones time on that, thanks 🙏

raspasov 2021-04-12T13:40:48.076200Z

No problem 👍 :clojure-spin:

lilactown 2021-04-12T18:03:09.077400Z

I think I found a bug in transient array map:

ClojureScript 1.10.844
cljs.user=> (def t (transient {}))
cljs.user=> (doseq [n (range 10)] (assoc! t n n))
cljs.user=> (persistent! t)
{0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7}

lilactown 2021-04-12T18:03:41.078100Z

it seems like any assoc! after the transient array map has 8 entries are just dropped

borkdude 2021-04-12T18:04:27.078700Z

@lilactown This is not a bug, you should always use the return value from transient ops, not rely on their side effects

thheller 2021-04-12T18:05:17.079200Z

yeah assoc! still has the same rules as assoc, must use the returned value

lilactown 2021-04-12T18:06:22.080300Z

I see. so I'm inferring that what occurs is at > 8 entries it gets promoted to something other than an array map and thus breaks

thheller 2021-04-12T18:07:29.080900Z

same problem will occur with hash maps, vectors etc. you cannot mutate in place safely

dpsutton 2021-04-12T18:09:36.082400Z

> Transients support a parallel set of 'changing' operations, with similar names followed by ! - assoc!, conj! etc. These do the same things as their persistent counterparts except the return values are themselves transient. Note in particular that transients are not designed to be bashed in-place. You must capture and use the return value in the next call. if you wanted to read where that is mentioned

raspasov 2021-04-12T18:09:42.082500Z

I know the Clojure transients are much faster, but how do ClojureScript transients work? Do they use JavaScript objects underneath?

thheller 2021-04-12T18:10:13.082800Z

they work exactly like in CLJ

raspasov 2021-04-12T18:10:34.083200Z

I meant implementation-wise 🙂

thheller 2021-04-12T18:11:31.083900Z

they work like the persistent versions, just mutate in place instead of doing the structural sharing thing

raspasov 2021-04-12T18:12:04.084500Z

Ah I see; use the same data structure, but mutate in place rather than path copy; Got it.

thheller 2021-04-12T18:12:09.084700Z


raspasov 2021-04-12T18:13:11.085300Z

Yeah that makes sense (doh); otherwise you wouldn’t be able to achieve O(1) transition to a persistent version;