
ClojureScript compiler & std lib dev,
dominicm 2021-06-08T08:39:59.150200Z

We just got bit by :undeclared-var not being an error, but a warning. would it be a useful configuration to allow making some of these warnings errors by putting :error instead of a boolean? That could also align with

thheller 2021-06-08T09:24:10.151100Z

FWIW shadow-cljs has :warnings-as-errors true or :warnings-as-errors #{:undeclared-var}, didn't want to change meaning of existing stuff

👍 1
dnolen 2021-06-08T16:00:27.152100Z

@dominicm pretty sure there's already a warning handler thing and you can use a namespaced symbol to do this

dnolen 2021-06-08T16:00:57.152600Z

that is it could be made a little sugar-y but the functionality already exists