
chrisoakman 2016-03-22T14:41:12.000004Z

yeah yeah! I'm liking the new visual design on :simple_smile:

nberger 2016-03-22T17:32:18.000007Z

Hi @escherize. First of all, huge props for cljsfiddle! It's so so great! One thing I noticed though: it's veeeeeery slow to load. And I think it can be improved very easily by just putting a cdn in front of it (cloudfront, as it seems to be in S3?), enable gzipping (it's around 10MB (!) and pagespeed says that it would cut the transfer size by 8.8MiB (85% reduction)).

nberger 2016-03-22T17:32:58.000008Z

Also, I understand you can't use :advanced optimization, but what about :whitespace?

richiardiandrea 2016-03-22T19:01:25.000009Z

btw you can use :simple too

nberger 2016-03-22T19:05:58.000010Z

Yeah, thought about it after I wrote it