@chrisoakman: Thanks for donating the mockup!!
I wanted to leave the sample so that the fiddle could be a place for people who have never heard of or seen cljs to come and take a gander
@nberger: that's a fabulous idea - I'll look into it. As things are now it's just hosted on an s3 instance, which makes gzipping tricky iirc
@escherize awesome, ping here if you think we can help in any way
I've used some python utility to gzip the target directory.
Here's the result: http://take.ms/ufWXW
That's when I run a server locally via python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8081
- so I think it's not putting the proper gzipped header
I can try uploading it to s3 and see if it automatically updates the Content-Encoding header.
I gave a talk about cljsfiddle targeted toward beginners last night at the sydney clojure meetup, slides here: http://escherize.com/cljsfiddle_talk/
@escherize not sure what's the best way to do it with S3 but no cloudfront. Cloudfront can do it for you automatically: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/ServingCompressedFiles.html . Also, don't think you should test it with SimpleHTTPServer, this is very dependent on the web server
And perhaps by using https://github.com/hashobject/boot-s3 and https://github.com/martinklepsch/boot-gzip everything can be done smoothly from boot