
flyboarder 2016-03-20T18:24:32.000136Z

@juhoteperi: how can I tell cljsjs which version of the libraries to use? like dev vs. prod, im trying to use un-minified version

juhoteperi 2016-03-20T18:25:00.000137Z

ClojureScript selects one based on optimization mode

juhoteperi 2016-03-20T18:25:41.000138Z

advanced minified and non-minified else

juhoteperi 2016-03-20T18:26:09.000139Z

if you absolutely have to change that, you could try redefining the foreign-lib in local deps.cljs, but I don't remember if that works

flyboarder 2016-03-20T18:26:17.000140Z

ok so, it would seem both versions are coming up in my dev console

flyboarder 2016-03-20T18:26:26.000141Z

in the same stack trace

juhoteperi 2016-03-20T18:26:44.000142Z

huh, shouldn't be possible

flyboarder 2016-03-20T18:27:19.000143Z

oh it’s a different lib

flyboarder 2016-03-20T18:29:17.000144Z

so I have this in my build.boot (cljs :optimizations :none :source-map true) and im still getting the minified version of the library

juhoteperi 2016-03-20T18:30:07.000145Z

What library is that? Could be some libraries only have minified version

flyboarder 2016-03-20T18:31:07.000146Z

The semantic UI that I PR'ed the other day,has both versions

flyboarder 2016-03-20T18:31:27.000147Z

Did I miss something in my pr?

juhoteperi 2016-03-20T18:31:44.000148Z

build.boot looks correct

flyboarder 2016-03-20T18:32:17.000149Z

I see jquery unminified

flyboarder 2016-03-20T18:50:06.000150Z

so i build a version of the cljsjs package without minified files and that worked, testing again with minified version