
martinklepsch 2016-04-06T16:54:33.000270Z

@leontalbot: cant find the channel we just wrote in. feel free to ask more q here

leontalbot 2016-04-06T17:13:00.000272Z

@martinklepsch: Thanks!

leontalbot 2016-04-06T17:23:23.000273Z

The author of tabletop.js does not provide .min.js files

leontalbot 2016-04-06T17:23:31.000274Z

do I minify myself?

leontalbot 2016-04-06T17:33:22.000278Z

@martinklepsch: ^^^

martinklepsch 2016-04-06T17:33:42.000279Z

@leontalbot: there's a minify task

martinklepsch 2016-04-06T17:34:39.000280Z

gotta run right now but it's in the same namespace as the download task. you can read the help if you run boot minify -h (assuming you have something like :refer [minify])

leontalbot 2016-04-06T17:36:29.000282Z

wonderful thanks @martinklepsch

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:05:09.000284Z


leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:06:14.000285Z

I get a test fail

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:07:24.000287Z

was I suppose to commit with the target dir in the tabletop folder? cause I removed it to do like the rest of the libs

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:07:30.000288Z


leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:08:11.000289Z

"No test commands were found"

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:11:19.000290Z

I would need help to understand what to do...

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:11:24.000291Z


leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:12:17.000292Z


leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:12:24.000293Z

cc @martinklepsch

juhoteperi 2016-04-06T18:13:47.000294Z

@leontalbot: Your branch is based on very old packages commit (680 commits behind master), so your branch doesn't contain the CI configuration

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:15:44.000295Z

I went to and clicked fork... What should I have done?

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:15:52.000297Z


juhoteperi 2016-04-06T18:16:01.000298Z

It is probably some months since you forked it

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:16:06.000299Z


leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:16:08.000300Z


juhoteperi 2016-04-06T18:16:47.000301Z

Hmm, shouldn't happen. Anyway, you probably have currently one git remote set up, probably named origin and it points to your fork in github.

juhoteperi 2016-04-06T18:16:56.000302Z

you can check this using git remote show origin

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:17:35.000303Z

* remote origin
  Fetch URL: <>
  Push  URL: <>
  HEAD branch: master
  Remote branches:
    foreign-libs        tracked
    foreign-libs-link   tracked
    highlight           tracked
    issue-47            tracked
    master              tracked
    native-closure      tracked
    openlayers-all-exts tracked
    patch-1             tracked
    pdf.js              tracked
    react-0.13          tracked
    tabletop            tracked
    test-utils-extern   tracked
  Local branches configured for 'git pull':
    master   merges with remote master
    tabletop merges with remote tabletop
  Local refs configured for 'git push':
    master   pushes to master   (up to date)
    tabletop pushes to tabletop (up to date)

juhoteperi 2016-04-06T18:17:40.000304Z

You can add second git remote using git remote add upstream and then you can use this upstream remote to load latest changes into your local copy

juhoteperi 2016-04-06T18:18:47.000305Z

something like git checkout master (move to local master branch), git pull upstream master (update local master branch to match upstream remote), git checkout tabletop (move back to feature branch) and git merge master (merge changes from master back to the feature branch)

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:19:07.000306Z

great ! trying...

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:20:39.000307Z

git pull upstream master
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

juhoteperi 2016-04-06T18:20:59.000308Z

Oh right, you should use https url for upstream repo as you don't have commit rights

juhoteperi 2016-04-06T18:21:30.000309Z

git remote set-url upstream <>

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:30:53.000311Z

excellent! Thanks @juhoteperi!

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:31:01.000312Z

Pull request just sent!

juhoteperi 2016-04-06T18:31:53.000314Z

@leontalbot: Commented on PR about the extern file

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:47:20.000318Z

@juhoteperi to make sure I do the extern correctly...

leontalbot 2016-04-06T18:47:28.000319Z

var Tabletop = {
    "callbacks": function () {},
    "init": function () {},
    "sheets": function () {},
    "Model": function () {}

juhoteperi 2016-04-06T18:47:57.000320Z

@leontalbot: Yes, something like that

leontalbot 2016-04-06T19:03:01.000322Z


leontalbot 2016-04-06T19:03:42.000323Z

@juhoteperi hope the externs look good now :simple_smile:

leontalbot 2016-04-06T22:37:20.000329Z

@juhoteperi: thanks for the merge!