

has anybody used cljsjs/victory? I included [cljsjs/victory “0.6.0-0”] in my dependency vector but I am getting an error: Failed to parse SourceMap: http://localhost:3000/main.out/

juhoteperi 2016-05-08T08:25:36.000320Z

@adamkowalski: I think that error is caused by victory.js referring to non-existing source-map file. But I don't think that error will cause any problems.

juhoteperi 2016-05-08T08:26:04.000323Z

But looks like the repo/archive doesn't even include that source map file

juhoteperi 2016-05-08T08:28:19.000324Z

A proper fix would be to ask the project to remove those lines or distribute the source map file. A quick fix would be to remove those lines in cljsjs package task, this could be done with boot-cljsjs/replace-content task.


@juhoteperi: thanks I will try that!