
anmonteiro 2016-05-23T14:04:44.000644Z

is there no package for Draft.js?

lwhorton 2016-05-23T14:25:21.000647Z

Heya guys, what are some debugging steps to take if I’m using a cljsjs package but I get no such namespace errors when trying to (:require the package?

martinklepsch 2016-05-23T14:36:05.000649Z

@anmonteiro: nope

martinklepsch 2016-05-23T14:36:49.000650Z

@anmonteiro: if you're considering using Draft.js you might also be interested in Mobiledoc-kit — it's not React-based but seems pretty good from some initial experiments

anmonteiro 2016-05-23T14:36:58.000651Z

I’ll consider that, thanks

anmonteiro 2016-05-23T14:37:13.000652Z

wrt. Draft: I’ve downloaded it from NPM and added to foreign-libs, but getting an error saying Immutable is not defined

anmonteiro 2016-05-23T14:37:29.000653Z

should I be building a UMD module with Webpack or something?

anmonteiro 2016-05-23T14:37:44.000654Z

this question probably falls out of this channel’s scope

martinklepsch 2016-05-23T15:12:14.000655Z

@anmonteiro: draft js depends on immutable.js so you'll need to provide that

anmonteiro 2016-05-23T15:12:39.000656Z

@martinklepsch: somehow I thought it was bundled in the distribution

martinklepsch 2016-05-23T15:12:52.000657Z

I thought that too initially but I don't think it is

anmonteiro 2016-05-23T15:12:54.000658Z

it would make sense if it was

anmonteiro 2016-05-23T15:13:09.000659Z

so you succeeded in using it with those 2 foreign-libs only?

anmonteiro 2016-05-23T15:13:16.000660Z

i.e. Draft.js and Immutable.js

martinklepsch 2016-05-23T15:13:54.000661Z

@anmonteiro: I didn't pursue it any further at that point

anmonteiro 2016-05-23T15:14:05.000662Z

right, thanks anyway

martinklepsch 2016-05-23T15:14:22.000663Z

but you can just try a script tag with immutable, if that solves it: 👍

anmonteiro 2016-05-23T15:15:11.000665Z

alright, thanks

martinklepsch 2016-05-23T15:16:38.000666Z

@anmonteiro: if you end up with any draft-js-using code I'd love to see it

anmonteiro 2016-05-23T15:17:00.000667Z

dully noted 🙂

denik 2016-05-23T17:29:11.000671Z

Hey, how do I boot install cljsjs package into my local maven repo? I tried boot package and then boot install

➜  codemirror git:(master) ✗ boot install
             clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: java.lang.Exception: can't find jar file
    data: {:file
           :line 33}
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.Exception: can't find jar file
                    java.lang.Exception: can't find jar file
     boot.task.built-in/fn/fn/fn/fn  built_in.clj:  721
                boot.core/run-tasks      core.clj:  794
                  boot.core/boot/fn      core.clj:  804
clojure.core/binding-conveyor-fn/fn      core.clj: 1910

juhoteperi 2016-05-23T17:29:25.000674Z

denik: boot package install

denik 2016-05-23T17:29:46.000675Z

thanks @juhoteperi speed of light response

juhoteperi 2016-05-23T17:30:23.000677Z

there is no state kept between separate Boot invocations, so if you run the commands separately install doesn't see the files created by package

denik 2016-05-23T17:30:47.000678Z

That makes a lot of sense