
fdserr 2016-06-07T05:00:24.000002Z

Hi there. Desperately looking for CSSTransitionGroup. My deps:

[cljsjs/react-with-addons "15.1.0-0"]
[cljsjs/react-dom "15.1.0-0"]
My requires:
Trying: (def css-trans-group (-> js/React (aget "addons") (aget "CSSTransitionGroup"))). addons is undefined in either of js/React or js/ReactDOM. I am not using Om / Reagent / Sablono / NameYours at this point, so there should be no conflicting React imports? Please where have addons gone to? Thankies!

fdserr 2016-06-07T07:29:41.000005Z

Removed [cljsjs/react-dom "15.1.0-0"] dep, Still have ReactDOM and React, but yet no addons, nor CSSTransitionGroup 😕

fdserr 2016-06-07T07:30:47.000006Z

I'm on Figwheel, if that counts.

rohit 2016-06-07T09:06:03.000007Z

@fdserr: this works for me (def css-trans-group js/React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup)

fdserr 2016-06-07T09:08:02.000008Z

@rohit: great! what does your :dependencies and :require look like please?

rohit 2016-06-07T09:09:27.000009Z

my :require is (:require [cljsjs.react]), and for dependency I only included [cljsjs/react-with-addons "15.1.0-0”]. obviously you’ll want to pull the react-dom as well for web stuff

👏 1
fdserr 2016-06-07T09:11:56.000010Z

@rohit: solved! thanks much 👍

rohit 2016-06-07T09:12:29.000011Z

@fdserr: sweet.

fdserr 2016-06-07T09:26:31.000012Z

Mwah =( Back to hell: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'CSSTransitionGroup' of undefined. After adding react-dom to the play. Need to engineer an :exclude I guess...

juhoteperi 2016-06-07T09:59:41.000013Z

Deps tree is great help when dealing with exclusions: lein deps :tree (or something)` or boot show -d