when a new package version is released does this package the downloaded files at that time? I ran into an issue where firebase is pushing rc versions to the same tagged release which invalidates that checksum
flyboarder: Yes
ok so as long as the checksum is valid at package time it shouldnt matter
But also note that if you are going to release the package in Clojars, you need to either use SNAPSHOT version or increate build identifier
yeah i changed the version string to:
Is the library RC or Cljsjs package?
I think there could be "rc" somewhere in the version
is -rc3
a valid build for clojars?
the actual version is: 3.0.4-rc3
but they are pushing rc increments to the 3.0.4 release
so there is only 3.0.4 from bower/github
Sure, Clojars doesn't have any restirctions on version numbers afaik
sounds good, will fix
@flyboarder: Also, inline the "rc-version" to +version+. Build scripts are grepping the build.boot to find the version number 😄
@juhoteperi: is this ok?
(def +lib-version+ "3.0.4") (def +version+ (str +lib-version+ "-rc3"))
ok will do