
flyboarder 2016-06-11T18:17:57.000002Z

when a new package version is released does this package the downloaded files at that time? I ran into an issue where firebase is pushing rc versions to the same tagged release which invalidates that checksum

flyboarder 2016-06-11T18:18:04.000003Z


juhoteperi 2016-06-11T18:20:24.000004Z

flyboarder: Yes

flyboarder 2016-06-11T18:20:44.000005Z

ok so as long as the checksum is valid at package time it shouldnt matter

juhoteperi 2016-06-11T18:20:59.000006Z


flyboarder 2016-06-11T18:21:05.000007Z


juhoteperi 2016-06-11T18:21:35.000008Z

But also note that if you are going to release the package in Clojars, you need to either use SNAPSHOT version or increate build identifier

flyboarder 2016-06-11T18:22:04.000009Z

yeah i changed the version string to:

juhoteperi 2016-06-11T18:22:41.000011Z

Is the library RC or Cljsjs package?

juhoteperi 2016-06-11T18:23:06.000012Z

I think there could be "rc" somewhere in the version

flyboarder 2016-06-11T18:23:28.000013Z

is -rc3 a valid build for clojars?

flyboarder 2016-06-11T18:24:10.000014Z

the actual version is: 3.0.4-rc3 but they are pushing rc increments to the 3.0.4 release

flyboarder 2016-06-11T18:24:29.000015Z

so there is only 3.0.4 from bower/github

juhoteperi 2016-06-11T18:24:39.000016Z

Sure, Clojars doesn't have any restirctions on version numbers afaik

flyboarder 2016-06-11T18:24:51.000017Z

sounds good, will fix

juhoteperi 2016-06-11T18:35:39.000018Z

@flyboarder: Also, inline the "rc-version" to +version+. Build scripts are grepping the build.boot to find the version number 😄

flyboarder 2016-06-11T18:37:27.000019Z

@juhoteperi: is this ok?

juhoteperi 2016-06-11T18:38:10.000021Z

(def +lib-version+ "3.0.4") (def +version+ (str +lib-version+ "-rc3"))

flyboarder 2016-06-11T18:39:11.000022Z

ok will do