

is it acceptable to package/release versions against a specific git commit rather than the library's particular release version? i'd like to use a feature in rrule.js which was merged in january but hasn't yet been released. should i just roll my own, or does cljsjs support releases like this?

flyboarder 2016-06-14T16:20:02.000063Z

@eyelidlessness: I wouldnt say it’s supported but you can do it, you can create a release for the next version and tag the build as -alpha0


interesting. thank you.

flyboarder 2016-06-14T16:21:00.000065Z

since it probably wouldnt get merged until the actual release is complete, this is kinda the same as rolling your own


makes sense

flyboarder 2016-06-14T16:22:36.000067Z

@eyelidlessness: if you need help creating an alpha package, there is a firebase PR which has something similar, it’s also a work in progress, we tag the builds -rcX


i played with updating it, pretty much figured it out. but if it wouldn't get merged it doesn't do me much good πŸ™‚


thanks for your help

flyboarder 2016-06-14T16:30:02.000070Z

@eyelidlessness: no problem, id confirm with @juhoteperi on his opinion for pre-release builds

flyboarder 2016-06-14T16:30:31.000071Z

since he manages this all πŸ™‚

juhoteperi 2016-06-14T16:31:12.000072Z

It is possible and you can even add the git sha to the version (something like "0.1.0-129n823-0")

juhoteperi 2016-06-14T16:31:58.000073Z

I may have rejected some such PR's in the past but with proper version it could be okay

juhoteperi 2016-06-14T16:32:58.000074Z

But those could have been against some fork, which I'm still against, but if the commit is in upstream repo it should be okay

juhoteperi 2016-06-14T16:35:49.000075Z

I'll write some "rules" down on the wiki


excellent thank you


it would definitely be against the upstream repo, not a fork. the change has been in since january, but just hasn't been tagged for a release.


i've also contacted the author asking for a release, will look out for that as well

juhoteperi 2016-06-14T16:40:59.000079Z



juhoteperi 2016-06-14T16:53:45.000083Z

I'm hoping that will encourage people to write down if they have updated externs when updating the package version πŸ™‚

juhoteperi 2016-06-14T16:54:35.000085Z

We should probably have a issue template also, for package requests and such

juhoteperi 2016-06-14T16:57:15.000086Z

I guess in addition to the rules there should be some kind of project statement or something: "Maintainers will review PR's and keep build automation working, new packages and updates are provided by contributors."

juhoteperi 2016-06-14T17:53:41.000092Z

@eyelidlessness: Worked fine:


:thumbsup: thanks!


about to pull it into my project and dump my local packaging. really appreciate it