
juhoteperi 2016-07-30T14:52:21.000154Z

I should try to fix CircleCI caching, builds are taking a few minutes longer than they should

juhoteperi 2016-07-30T14:53:01.000155Z

And maybe I should try to find a service where I can ensure that only one deploy is running at a time, currently merging two PR's at the same time causes problems

anmonteiro 2016-07-30T14:55:54.000156Z

@juhoteperi: I think lets you do that

anmonteiro 2016-07-30T14:56:17.000157Z

plus they have pipelining which might make your builds faster

anmonteiro 2016-07-30T14:56:20.000158Z

not sure about pricing though

juhoteperi 2016-07-30T14:56:57.000159Z

Hmm looks like they don't have a free plan, but they provide discounts for open-source projects

juhoteperi 2016-07-30T14:57:09.000160Z

I might try the trial and ask for the discount if it's good

juhoteperi 2016-07-30T14:58:45.000161Z

GitLab CI also looks very promising

juhoteperi 2016-07-30T15:02:50.000163Z

Looks like Travis allows limiting concurrent builds and their caching works better with Boot

anmonteiro 2016-07-30T15:27:09.000164Z

I was under the impression that Travis was getting really slow these days

juhoteperi 2016-07-30T15:56:30.000165Z

Could be

juhoteperi 2016-07-30T15:56:41.000166Z

That's why I have preferred Circle