
flyboarder 2016-08-31T18:30:01.000024Z

@juhoteperi How can I create a foreign-lib that has multiple files?

juhoteperi 2016-08-31T18:30:31.000025Z

@flyboarder Currently you need to write the deps.cljs file by hand, the task only works with single file

flyboarder 2016-08-31T18:32:14.000026Z

@juhoteperi I am following, this: but it doesnt mention multiple :file are they a vector?

flyboarder 2016-08-31T18:33:01.000029Z

I am trying to package ace editor, but it dynamically loads js files, which are currently just not happening

juhoteperi 2016-08-31T18:33:53.000030Z

each file would have separate map in foreing-libs vector

juhoteperi 2016-08-31T18:34:04.000031Z

and provide different foreign-dep "namespaces"

juhoteperi 2016-08-31T18:34:16.000032Z

and one foreign-dep would probably require the others

juhoteperi 2016-08-31T18:34:52.000033Z

like in the jquery ui autocomplete example in the end of the page

flyboarder 2016-08-31T18:48:27.000034Z

ok thanks, ill go that route