
mikebelanger 2016-09-10T15:55:21.000275Z

@flyboarder thanks, ok I’ve included them

mikebelanger 2016-09-10T15:57:59.000276Z

Now I’m running into another obstacle. I’m trying to make this package according to these instructions: . I’m at the step where I invoke the package command. It says it generated a .jar and a .pom, but I don’t see the files anywhere. I searched my entire HD, and it isn’t there. I should mention I didn’t include the .md5 checksum in the (download) task, could that be the reason it didn’t make the file?

mikebelanger 2016-09-10T16:45:36.000278Z

Here’s the entire project so far:

flyboarder 2016-09-10T17:01:03.000280Z

@mikebelanger: how are you building your package? build-jar from bootlaces should do it

mikebelanger 2016-09-10T17:20:55.000281Z

@flyboarder I’m building with all the package task, which has a bunch of sub-tasks in it :

flyboarder 2016-09-10T17:23:53.000283Z

Oh lol, here run like this boot package install

mikebelanger 2016-09-10T17:23:55.000284Z

Regarding boot-laces project, that looks pretty awesome, I guess I just feel like there’s something wrong with my build tasks, and I should learn how to fix those before I start using other tools

flyboarder 2016-09-10T17:24:14.000285Z

Install is built in I believe

flyboarder 2016-09-10T17:24:58.000286Z

You would have to do the same with other boot tools

mikebelanger 2016-09-10T17:26:30.000287Z

@flyboarder lol thanks! That installed it! I had a feeling it was something basic I was missing

flyboarder 2016-09-10T17:27:28.000288Z

Yeah that one frustrates me too when I forget it

flyboarder 2016-09-10T17:28:17.000289Z

@mikebelanger: but at least your task is fine :)

mikebelanger 2016-09-10T17:28:56.000290Z

When I just wrote boot package it said it wrote the jar and pom files, so I was looking around forever 😛 I guess it just wrote those files to the FileSet thing that boot uses

mikebelanger 2016-09-10T17:29:44.000291Z

@flyboarder thanks yeah I was looking at my task function forever too 😛

flyboarder 2016-09-10T17:30:33.000292Z

Yeah boot only works on the fileset, to move your builds to local maven you need install

mikebelanger 2016-09-10T17:35:47.000293Z

and thanks for the tip about boot-laces, I’ll have to look into that template