
thachmai 2016-10-24T00:20:44.000890Z


thachmai 2016-10-24T00:21:01.000891Z

I'm having some trouble testing a new package for cljsjs

thachmai 2016-10-24T00:21:45.000892Z

boot package install target seems to install the new package to maven, but I get an exception when I try to import it to another project

thachmai 2016-10-24T00:22:27.000893Z

the wiki doesn't have much info on this...

thachmai 2016-10-24T00:22:47.000894Z

does anyone have an idea how to test a new package?

thachmai 2016-10-24T00:53:30.000895Z

actually nevermind, I got it. The first "package install" didn't work correctly