That package fails to build in CircleCI. complaining:
Cannot run program "gulp" (in directory "/home/ubuntu/.boot/cache/tmp/home/ubuntu/packages/simplex-solver/g3a/873hv6/simplex-solver-8e55b56d499dc7d64ac22a5051f2eeb4a22a2534"): error=2, No such file or directory
You need to install Gulp and use path to node_modules/bin
It builds fine on my own machine. Which file is missing in that error message? The directory or gulp
? The previous output suggests gulp installs as it should with npm install
. Which makes the error message even stranger. The relevant part of the boot
script is:
(binding [*sh-dir* (str (io/file tmp-lib))]
((sh "npm" "install"))
((sh "gulp" “js-lib”)))
You have gulp installed globally on your machine
npm install
doesn't install the binary to a directory in PATH
Hmmm, I am a newbie on these things, but without npm install
it fails on my own machine complaining about it not being installed locally.
you have probably installed gulp with npm install -g gulp
which installs the gulp to /usr/local/bin
or such
Indeed I have. I’ll uninstall it and try locally again. What should I do in the boot script to install it correctly, if you happen to know?
The installation is correct now, you just need to need to refer to the binary with proper path: ((sh "./node_modules/.bin/gulp"))
I just confirmed I got the same error message on my machine w/o gulp installed globally, btw.
All checks has passed. Lots of thanks, @juhoteperi!
@pez ^
The important part is to use +lib-version+
instead of commit sha
@juhoteperi: I did try to use the +lib-versioin+
zip file, but there was none available...
@pez It is available, but you need to prepend v
before the number
Ah, great. I’ll fix it.
What is the correct way of resubmitting the pull request? Close it and make a new one?
@pez Just push commits into the same branch you created PR from. The PR will be updated.