@juhoteperi @martinklepsch whoops - new machine and very silly default “push all branches” git strategy 😅
@crisptrutski Seems okay, urls should use +lib-version+
but I'll probably catch that the next time the lib is updated
I guess we could enable the master branch protections
(just need to add exception for myself :D)
Hi there !
I’m packaging a new version of Quill
and I noticed a few oddities in https://github.com/cljsjs/packages/blob/master/quill/build.boot and wondered if I should fix them or leave them as they are
Oddity #1 : all files go into cljsjs/quill/
I was expecting the minified js to go into cljsjs/quill/production
and the non-minified js into cljsjs/quill/development
and the css into cljsjs/quill/common (since there isn’t a minified and a non-minified version)
Oddity #2 : the css files are not renamed to *.inc.css
Should I change that as I submit a pull-request for a new version?