Hello there! I’m trying to package zen-observable for cljsjs, but even if I add :module-type :commonjs
to the :foreign-libs
entry, the following file isn’t transformed for the browser and thus, fails to load with Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined at zen-observable.inc.js:3
: https://unpkg.com/zen-observable@0.8.6/lib/Observable.js (this is downloaded and sifted to zen-observable.inc.js
). Is this expected to work?
Nevermind. What I’m really trying to do is package zen-observable-ts
(required for Apollo) and that uses zen-observable ^0.7.0, maybe for this very reason.
I'm trying to create the package for react-infinite-tree, but at the externs generation I can't load the js into the generator. (https://unpkg.com/react-infinite-tree@1.0.0-alpha.5/dist/) I get "Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined"
Am I missing a dependency (other than react), or is it something else?
I'm assuming distribution files on http://unpkg.com are compiled for browsers... is that wrong?
Hi all. Does anyone know of any React avatar editors and/or gallery editors easily usable within Reagent/Clojurescript?
If not, I’m willing to help import 2 of them, thought I’ve not done it before.
I’m looking at this: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-avatar-editor to start
Running it through the jmmk externs generator with AvatarEditor gives a ‘namespace not found’ error
when a pull request is approved, is it then installed on clojars?