
escherize 2018-04-24T19:31:12.000627Z

Hi, I’d like to use but with version 16.3.2

escherize 2018-04-24T19:31:24.000231Z

Can I trigger a build of cljsjs somehow?

juhoteperi 2018-04-24T19:49:37.000020Z

@escherize Generally by sending PR, but in React's case it is enough to mention to me that there is new release available.

escherize 2018-04-24T19:56:12.000150Z

happy days

escherize 2018-04-24T20:40:18.000683Z

Thanks @juhoteperi. Can you explain what the -0's on the end of the version number mean here?

juhoteperi 2018-04-24T21:06:02.000329Z

@escherize It is Cljsjs build identifier. If we need to change externs or otherwise fix the packaging script, that would be incremented. Like React 16.3.0-1 and 16.3.0-0, first has a externs fix.

escherize 2018-04-24T23:52:53.000148Z

Thanks @juhoteperi