
fabrao 2018-07-12T03:31:56.000114Z

Hello all, I´m trying to adapt a library to cljsjs, and I did boot package. Where is the generated .jar?

fabrao 2018-07-12T03:33:13.000155Z

the output was

Downloading antd-mobile.css
Downloading antd-mobile.min.css
Downloading antd-mobile.js
Downloading antd-mobile.min.js
Sifting output files...
Sifting output files...
 [{:file "cljsjs/antd-mobile/development/",
   :provides ["cljsjs.antd-mobile"],
   :requires ["cljsjs.react" "cljsjs.react.dom" "cljsjs.moment"]}],
 :externs ["cljsjs\\antd-mobile\\common\\antd-mobile.ext.js"]}
Writing pom.xml and
Writing antd-mobile-2.2.1-0.jar...
Checksums match
but I could not find the jar file

juhoteperi 2018-07-12T07:02:42.000083Z

@fabrao Add target task to write the fileset to disk:

juhoteperi 2018-07-12T07:02:59.000066Z

Alternatively use install task to install the package to local maven repostory

juhoteperi 2018-07-12T07:03:28.000152Z

Or use both

fabrao 2018-07-12T15:55:55.000047Z

@juhoteperi Thanks, it worked