
miikka 2018-08-08T08:26:36.000173Z

Yes, you're right, sounds good. I didn't realize that there's the chain of dependencies for the libraries.

jsa-aerial 2018-08-08T15:11:52.000602Z

@miikka OK, it looks like we are on the right track - vega PR passed all checks. Does a 'blessed' maintainer need to now close the pull or do I close it and then a blessed maintainer merges and that is when clojars will be updated. I don't want to start adding vega-lite until I know this vega is totally completed as it will fail. Thanks for any info - thanks for patience - this is the first time I'm doing this...

miikka 2018-08-08T16:14:10.000543Z

Do not close it, a maintainer will merge it. I don’t have time today anymore, but I’ll check it tomorrow.

jsa-aerial 2018-08-08T16:16:30.000597Z

✔️ Thanks!

camdez 2018-08-08T20:08:31.000116Z

Is it desirable, in a build.boot file, to add .inc to filenames that don’t have it in the original package? i.e. foo.js -> / I’m not familiar with this convention and Googling is not going well…is it just a CLJSJS thing?

camdez 2018-08-09T13:40:09.000432Z

@miikka Thanks!