Hi guys, I’m using re-natal, re-frame and reagent for my app and would like to fix the controlled input problem (https://github.com/reagent-project/reagent/blob/master/doc/ControlledInputs.md). The way this is fixed in web react environment is by using reagents :input field (that sets manully the focus to the end of the typed input). Any advice/code examples on how to solve this in a react native environment ? Thanks
the best solution I’ve found for the moment (inspired by https://github.com/reagent-project/reagent/pull/380/commits/8e137ec24a586d4529d04e222c579c61657fa85a) is to imitate the react native code examples, by setting manually a state and updating it.
(def input-value (r/atom "initial value"))
(defn my-input []
{:display-name "my-input-component"
(fn [this]
(->js (merge (->clj (.-state this))
{:v @input-value})))
:should-component-update (fn [this old-argv new-argv] true)
(fn []
(let [this (r/current-component)]
{:label "my input"
:value (.. this -state -v)
:onChangeText #(do
(reset! input-value %)
(.setState this #js {:v %}))}]]))}))