@olivergeorge missed that, fixed - thanks
@dnolen I was able to get my fairly non-trivial app ported over to Krell from an old re-natal setup (no shadow-cljs) in about a day. Just involved updating some requires and then the (not CLJS’s fault) good old-fashioned four hours of head-desking to get RN up to 0.62.2. Awesome work.
Quick sanity check. Am I missing any tricks/affordances for working with npm deps which export default? (using krell so leveraging the unreleased cljs bundle feature)
(ns interop.react-native-safe-area-view
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[react-native-safe-area-view :as module]))
(def SafeAreaView (.-default module))
(def safe-area-view (r/adapt-react-class SafeAreaView))
Also, anyone have images working with Krill? Can't seem to get it working.
Does this seem right?
(defn app []
[rn/view {:style {:flex 0.4 :align-items "center" :justify-content "center"}}
[rn/text {:style {:font-size 32}} (str (js/Date.))]
{:style {:width 200}
:resizeMode "contain"
:source (js/require "./logo-primary-colour.png")}]])
Also tried this but logo is always nil
(def logo (js/require "./logo-primary-colour.png"))
This is how I have defined images. I use shadow-cljs.
(def images
{:splash-img (js/require "../assets/images/shadow-cljs.png")
:splash-img-dark (js/require "../assets/images/shadow-cljs-dark.png")})
Hmm, I just tried it @olivergeorge and I’m getting the same. I placed the image in the root directory of the project. And I’m using it like this (copied the image from a shadow project):
(ns awesome-project.core
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[reagent.react-native :as rn]))
(defonce logo-img (js/require "../shadow-cljs.png"))
(defn ^:export -main [& args]
[rn/view {:style {:flex 1 :align-items "center" :justify-content "center"}}
[rn/image {:source logo-img
:style {:width 200
:height 200}}]
[rn/text {:style {:font-size 50}} "Hello Krell!"]]))
What happens is this: the space is made on the screen for the image, but image is not displayed.
If I comment out the rn/image
vector, then the last vector moves up when the code reloads.@shakof91 I think this issue is krell
specific, not react-native with shadow-cljs specific.
I haven't looked at krell but the paths mights need to be adjusted for it
What? Mister thheller is here? Thank you for Shadow-cljs! 😄
in shadow-cljs the paths are relativ to the output-dir since all files are in that directory and not nested. that might not be true for krell.
shadow-cljs also collects all js/require
calls so metro can find them. not sure if krell does this.
Thanks guys. At least I’m not missing something obvious.
@olivergeorge like avoiding the .-default
bit? Probably not since Metro never sees the CLJS
@olivergeorge file an issue for the image problem
Where does the emitted JS live? This is getting compiled to something like
const logo_img = require('../shadow-cljs.png');
So it the JS file isn't in one directory from the root, you may have to change the path to something like ../../shadow-cljs.png
for metro to find it. Shadow-cljs handles this behind the scenes for ya, krell may notKrell supports assets now, tested REPL and advanced compilation - just wrapped it up so there's probably still some issues. Feedback and reports welcome!