cljsrn | | |
admarrs 2020-05-01T09:17:59.418600Z

@dnolen I was in the same place yesterday - almost at the "questioning if I was adopted" stage as described here that use of [my-fn] is the key. Thanks.

dnolen 2020-05-01T12:36:01.420Z

@admarrs glad that worked

borkdude 2020-05-01T14:20:55.420200Z

Just stumbled upon this one: (video:

πŸ‘ 2
dnolen 2020-05-01T14:28:57.420700Z


dnolen 2020-05-01T18:13:48.421200Z

fixed up Krell hot-reloading - was broken when you have many files

dnolen 2020-05-01T18:14:13.421800Z

I have a large-ish RN project now working with Krell instead of re-natal, loads pretty quick

dnolen 2020-05-01T18:15:02.422700Z

I'll probably work on device side caching of CLJS files next - this should allow very fast connect and course, immediately seeing the UI

dnolen 2020-05-01T18:15:26.423200Z

also should suppress REPL support stuff from being loaded over and over again

dnolen 2020-05-01T19:14:07.424600Z

adding some clarifying stuff about asset / lib requires. For assets since this a compiler pass that means you can write macros for assets if you like (load a directory etc).

dotemacs 2020-05-01T19:14:21.424900Z

Just in time, it’ll make it into this weeks Clojure Weekly πŸ™‚

metehan 2020-05-01T23:29:51.427100Z

(defn rc [component] 
  {:screen (r/reactify-component (rn/reload-comp component))
   :navigationOptions #js {:headerShown false}})

(def routes-a
  {:home (rc home/home-screen)
   :demo (rc demo/demo-screen)})

(defn reactify [x] (r/reactify-component x))
(def routes-b
  {:home {:screen (reactify (rn/reload-comp home/home-screen)) :headerShown false}
   :notifications {:screen (reactify notification/notifications-screen)}})
I use a reloader rn/reload-comp when I use routes-a it doesn't reload but routes-b is reloading (this is the reloader ->

metehan 2020-05-01T23:31:56.428100Z

so the question is whats wrong with my rc function why when I use it it stops reloading