Righto. My issue is with react-navigation. Here is a repro repo: https://github.com/olivergeorge/krell-repros/tree/react-navigation-3
If I change something in the view ns like the container1 text it's not displayed. If I cause the core namespace to reload (say add some whitespace and save the file) then the view updates.
For completeness I've done the same for v4 and v5. Same issue.
(slight variations on which file needs to change to get the view to update on v5)
I think I have a solution, via re-render with key prop...
(def cnt (r/atom 0))
(defn app []
[navigation-screen/container {:key @cnt}])
(defn ^:export -main [& args]
(swap! cnt inc)
(r/as-element [app]))
Still thinking this through. I suspect it will wipe component local state across the app - not sure if that's a problem or not but makes it a bit of a crude implement.solving interactions with various components doesn't seem practical for Krell - I simply haven't seen this particular problem in our app
the thing I'm interested in is why this wasn't a problem for you in re-natal - or maybe you got far enough along where you stopped noticing?
I’m not sure about that either. Wondering if the caching Is more aggressive on recent version of react / reach native.
I’ll try for a re-natal repro
Also wondering if figwheel is reloading dependent namespaces. E.g. changing views causes nav to reload.
currently we're not reloading dependent namespaces - though that's trivial to add now
we also don't handle all the macros cases - though in my opinion this is not necessary for the alpha
dependent namespaces probably