cljsrn | | |
dnolen 2020-05-15T00:35:42.117300Z

ah right, yeah one second

dnolen 2020-05-15T00:46:43.117500Z

fixed in Krell master

👍 4
Martin Jung 2020-05-15T14:44:05.118500Z

Hi everyone! I try to get the krell tutorial example to work on my windows machine. After krell connects to the android emulator and the repl prompt apears, the repl throws several FileNotFoundExceptions for the .js files. All the files exist in the target folder. Is there an obvious problem I don't see?

dotemacs 2020-05-15T14:56:57.119500Z

I’m not saying that I’ll be able to fix the issue that you’re having @martin_jung but maybe share the error you’re getting in a gist? It’ll give people more to go on when troubleshooting.

dnolen 2020-05-15T15:06:38.120Z

@martin_jung I don't have a Windows machine - and there are known Windows issues

dnolen 2020-05-15T15:06:55.120300Z

specifically around path handling

dnolen 2020-05-15T15:07:47.121400Z

feel free to open an issue, I'll look into it - if you have some thoughts about fixes to let me know

dnolen 2020-05-15T15:07:56.121800Z

our team doesn't use Windows so not a high priority for us

dnolen 2020-05-15T15:08:47.122400Z

basically the issue is that Google Closure Library paths are relative URLs and we can just use those on OS X / Linux

dnolen 2020-05-15T15:09:01.122800Z

on Windows they need to be translated

Martin Jung 2020-05-15T15:20:50.125300Z

Thanks for the explanation David.  At least I now know that it's not a configuration issue. So I can stop messing around with that. If I manage to look at the implementation I'll let you know.

emak 2020-05-15T15:27:01.128Z

Hey, does anyone has experience with a cljs build tool that works with expo. Or is it a no mans land? My current attempt is to use react-native-figwheel-bridge on top of a blank expo project. But I am stuck at the JS land border trying to make sense of the import / export.

dotemacs 2020-05-15T15:27:42.128500Z

@emilien see this:

dotemacs 2020-05-15T15:28:01.129100Z

Sorry, didn’t read that properly enough, my bad.

emak 2020-05-15T15:29:52.130300Z

@dotemacs thanks I didn't have this resource. It may help me understand what I'm doing.

dotemacs 2020-05-15T15:32:37.131300Z

What I mean to say is: I know that shadow-cljs can be used to build for expo. Not sure how you’d do it via react-native-figwheel-bridge.

emak 2020-05-15T16:04:58.133600Z

I first tried with react-native-figwheel-bridge because it is the best description of the problem I found in the README. But any tool that works would do 🙂

dnolen 2020-05-15T16:28:34.134500Z

@martin_jung, will take a look next week - likely not that hard but might need some help testing


@emilien You can use Shadow-CLJS, it works great with Expo. Here an simple example repo from the Shadow author :


Another repo with Re-frame :

👍 1
emak 2020-05-16T19:17:26.140Z

Thanks @admin055 I forked it to update the deps:

👍 1