@raspasov cool I may hit you up for some feedback, I’ve published some changes so that the bridge now supports expo
and the new clojurescript :bundle target makes things much simpler, I “may” be able to fold it all into figwheel-main pretty simply
@bhauman merging into figwheel-main sounds great as long as it doesn’t create much complexity for you; I don’t mind the setup as it is; I don’t use expo myself but glad to provide any feedback!
I updated react-native-figwheel-bridge
so that it supports expo better.
The readme has been updated to explain how to use it with the new CLJS :bundle
target. The README now includes some instructions for setting up expo as well.
Much closer to direct figwheel-main support
@bhauman thank you! I’ll try migrating my current project from the old cljsExports method to :bundle and report here
@raspasov awesome!
So from my undestanding: the ClojureScript compiler scans the project source files, creates npm_deps.js and that npm_deps.js is practically equivalent to the old cljsExports in its purpose. Is that about right?
@raspasov you got it
I also think there is some externs magic as well
@bhauman It seems to work! No issues so far