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borkdude 2020-06-14T13:48:30.301600Z

Is it normal that the java process running krell is at 100% CPU?

borkdude 2020-06-14T13:48:39.301800Z

don't know what it's doing... nor what I'm doing, first time trying this out

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:10:13.302500Z

anyone familiar with > fatal error: module map file '/Users/borkdude/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AwesomeProject-dcpsrlydmqnwnreszyzwksudwjqn/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/YogaKit/YogaKit.modulemap' not found I'm getting this message when trying to put the app on my phone

dotemacs 2020-06-14T14:11:21.303400Z

And the app runs fine in the simulator @borkdude ?

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:11:30.303600Z


borkdude 2020-06-14T14:11:54.304Z

hmm, maybe I have to open .xcworkspace instead of .xcodeproj

dotemacs 2020-06-14T14:13:31.305500Z

I’ve seen these errors when linking something complex. But then the error would manifest even in dev not just in a proper build

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:14:50.305800Z

crap. > This iPhone SE (Model A1662, A1723, A1724) is running iOS 13.4.1 (17E262), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode. An updated version of Xcode may be found on the App Store or at

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:15:05.306Z

I don't want to update xcode, because of catalina

dotemacs 2020-06-14T14:15:29.306400Z

Yea, that is annoying

dotemacs 2020-06-14T14:17:05.307800Z

Maybe look into building it in a CI that has a more recent version of Xcode... can’t think of another solution

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:17:33.308200Z

you can't just compile this and drop it in your phone right?

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:17:43.308400Z

it's a pretty closed system?

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:18:19.308900Z

it did compile. I just can't run it on my phone

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:18:26.309200Z

so how would CI help me here?

dotemacs 2020-06-14T14:19:01.310Z

Well you could compile it somewhere else and then “load” it via TestFlight

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:22:14.310600Z

it says "Build succeeded" in Xcode, so I assume there is an app thing somewhere which I could theoretically run on my iPhone?

dotemacs 2020-06-14T14:22:59.311Z


borkdude 2020-06-14T14:29:38.312300Z

It's quite a hassle to test a demo app on my phone going through TestFlight (I just read the steps) instead of upgrading to catalina. I might wait until I do the latter.

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:30:59.313300Z

A local coffee bar owner asked me if I could build an app for him, I thought it might be nice to try out krell and get something going there

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:34:32.313700Z

so before I upgrade: anything I should be aware of in catalina...?

borkdude 2020-06-14T14:34:44.313900Z

I'm still on mojave

dotemacs 2020-06-14T14:36:05.314600Z

The same here because “early settlers get the arrows”.

raspasov 2020-06-14T22:22:20.316300Z

@borkdude usually you just need to upgrade… Apple doesn’t want you do stay out of sync too much between versions on different stuff; no free for all here (un)fortunately (depending on perspective) 🙂