Hi everyone, I am moving my very first steps with the cljsrn
stack, I think I am missing some basics.. I am trying to use reagent
to make adapt the react native class but I am doing something wrong, can anybody help me with the right conversion? Thank you in advance!
(ns awesome.main
(:require [react]
[reagent.core :as r]
[react-native :as rn]))
(def <> react/createElement)
(defn example-component []
(<> rn/View
#js {:style #js {:backgroundColor "#FFFFFF"
:flex 1
:justifyContent "center"}}
(<> rn/Text
#js {:style #js {:color "black"
:textAlign "center"}}
(str "hello WORLD!!"))))
(def view (r/adapt-react-class rn/View))
(def text (r/adapt-react-class rn/Text))
(defn reagent-component []
[view {:style {:backgroundColor "#FFFFFF"
:flex 1
:justifyContent "center"}}
[text {:style {:color "black"
:textAlign "center"}} "Hello!"]])
Is it rather something like this?
(defn reagent-component []
[:> rn/View {:style {:backgroundColor "#FFFFFF"
:flex 1
:justifyContent "center"}}
[:> rn/Text {:style {:color "black"
:textAlign "center"}} "Hello!"]])