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Luca 2020-07-17T07:23:11.078700Z

Thanks everybody for your help! I think I will try AsyncStorage since my use case is extremely simple

dnolen 2020-07-17T20:31:16.079200Z

@olivergeorge I fixed #98, feel free to re-open if master didn't fix it up

dnolen 2020-07-17T20:37:45.079800Z

I see that there are other issues that this doesn't solve, but that should remove some of the cases you've observed

dnolen 2020-07-17T20:38:21.080500Z

what would be helpful is if you could find a emulator combo that reproduces this issue

Oliver George 2020-07-17T21:00:31.081100Z

Thanks David. I’ll see what I can do.

Oliver George 2020-07-17T21:04:00.083700Z

Manually inserting a pause between sending files might have forced 98 to show itself in an emulator.

dnolen 2020-07-17T21:38:01.084700Z

@olivergeorge nice that works too - anything that simulates what would occur on a slower device is acceptable