cljsrn | | |
dotemacs 2020-10-05T12:42:10.061Z

The cljsrn questionnaire is up. Please fill it in and spread the word about it. I’ll share the results once we get enough responses/wait long enough. Thanks 🙏

👍 4
Oliver George 2020-10-06T07:28:15.065700Z

Quick sanity check. What does stack mean? Backend?

dotemacs 2020-10-06T07:30:53.065900Z

I guess it means different things to different people. I read it as “a collection of libraries”, that can be used to create an app/service. But re-reading that question and your question here, I can see that it isn’t clear. What do you propose?

joshmiller 2020-10-05T15:33:13.061300Z

The first question, on target platforms, should probably accept multiple choices

dotemacs 2020-10-05T15:34:06.061500Z

Now when I think about it, true, but I guess people can just pick Other and list all that are applicable?