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Oliver George 2020-10-12T01:50:50.088900Z

question about splash screens for ios/android

Oliver George 2020-10-12T01:51:17.089500Z

Is this overkill? Should I just roll my own for each platform?

Shako Farhad 2020-10-12T08:29:51.089700Z

I have used it. It works great and is easy to use. At the end of the day you need to make your splashscreens in native code/tools but with this you have the ability to control it in cljs/js, which is great stuff.

Oliver George 2020-10-12T09:33:17.089900Z

Thanks. That makes sense. (I set it up it only to realise there was a white screen before it kicked in ... as you say, no substitute for setting up the native stuff).

Shako Farhad 2020-10-12T09:36:31.090100Z

The splash screen guide on works well. In the newest react native it is not needed to  modify Also some of the content in the guide is outdated. Like the changes done to the For IOS following the official documentation is good enough. Most of the work of setup is done in XCode.

Shako Farhad 2020-10-12T09:37:43.090400Z

BTW I also reccommend that you use SVGs and convert them to XML instead of creating a bunch of pngs for the android version. (you have to generate pngs for ios though. But there is a free tool on the app store that you can use for this.)

Shako Farhad 2020-10-12T09:38:46.090600Z

To convert SVG to xml you can use android studio. It has a handy tool for converting. The graphics will be crisper and will auto scale on all different screens.

Shako Farhad 2020-10-12T09:39:13.090800Z

This stuff should be written up in a big cljsrn documetnation/guide tbh 😛

👍 3
Oliver George 2020-10-12T12:10:28.091Z

News to me. Sounds like it would be appreciated.

frankitox 2020-10-13T19:36:35.098400Z

I don't get why would you use that library. The idea is to show that screen while the app is loading? I usually just set a splash screen from within the app using react-navigation.

Shako Farhad 2020-10-13T19:50:22.098600Z

It is for before react or anything has loaded in. Your users will see a black screen then your app loading screen. But with this they see a predetermined simple screen with just a logo, then your app can switch to a different loading screen etc

frankitox 2020-10-13T20:15:50.098900Z

Oh, I see it now! Thanks for the clarification