Hello everyone, I just recently joined the clojurian slack group
I would love to learn from everyone here! I'm planning on developing a mobile app. I could just work with JavaScript and React Native, but I want to try ClojureScript with React Native. Does anyone here have any experience developing mobile app with ClojureScript and React Native, either through work or personal project? I would love to know what framework I should use. I've been doing research but seems like re-natal is no longer maintained and krell is too early in development with not that much documentation? [8:33 AM] Any advices/help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you so much for your advices! I will be checking out shadow-cljs, Krell, as well as fig wheel and see which one I like the best!
From what I’ve seen, shadow-cljs approach is the most popular solution for apps in production. Krell is also an option. re-natal was good back in the day for reasons, but it’s no longer useful with the latest react-native stable.
@tuananh.le Yes and in addition to the channel, you can check this website/page https://cljsrn.org/ There have been 2 very good videos recently added in the "Talks & Videos" section. This one is a good overview with the Cljsrn stack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsUj7HO5xDg&feature=youtu.be
A good stack with Shadow-CLJS (builder): • Bare React-Native: https://github.com/thheller/reagent-react-native • http://Expo.io : https://github.com/PEZ/rn-rf-shadow
Thanks @admin055 for the resources! I will check these out. I appreciate it!