cljsrn | | |
zendevil 2021-01-19T01:37:16.044400Z

It works now!

zendevil 2021-01-19T03:32:15.045100Z

I’m using the CameraRollPicker from react-native-camera roll picker

zendevil 2021-01-19T03:32:33.045400Z

(:require [“react-native-camera-roll-picker” :default CameraRollPicker])

zendevil 2021-01-19T03:32:43.045600Z

(defn camera-roll-picker [] [:> CameraRollPicker {:callback (fn [] (prn “picked”))}])

zendevil 2021-01-19T03:32:52.045800Z

(defn init [] (dispatch [:register-db]) (render-root “Humboi” (r/as-element [camera-roll-picker])))

zendevil 2021-01-19T03:33:04.046100Z

but the app is crashing upon launch and there’s no error given

zendevil 2021-01-19T03:33:15.046400Z

how to fix this?

zendevil 2021-01-19T03:55:49.046800Z

this happens in the ios simulator

zendevil 2021-01-19T03:56:17.047500Z

on the device, it asked for permission to access photos, and then shows a blank screen


@ps Lots of questions and few thanks...

➕ 1
🙏 1
zendevil 2021-01-19T07:53:02.048200Z

thanks a ton! @admin055

😉 1
zendevil 2021-01-19T07:53:10.048500Z

for all the questions already answered

zendevil 2021-01-19T07:53:43.049600Z

thanks a lot everyone. I really appreciate the help

zendevil 2021-01-19T08:14:00.053300Z

actually I’m also getting the following warning:

zendevil 2021-01-19T08:14:01.053500Z

Tue Jan 19 2021 13:42:58.383]  WARN   Warning: componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed, and is not recommended for use. See for details. * Move data fetching code or side effects to componentDidUpdate. * If you’re updating state whenever props change, refactor your code to use memoization techniques or move it to static getDerivedStateFromProps. Learn more at: * Rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps to suppress this warning in non-strict mode. In React 17.x, only the UNSAFE_ name will work. To rename all deprecated lifecycles to their new names, you can run npx react-codemod rename-unsafe-lifecycles in your project source folder. Please update the following components: %s CameraRollPicker

joshmiller 2021-01-19T18:28:59.054900Z

That appears to be in CameraRollPicker. React moves fast and breaks things, so you should be ready to upgrade that dependency when it’s upgraded.