cljsrn | | |
yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T14:15:10.059300Z

Hi all šŸ‘‹, Iā€™m getting started learning RN and using cljs + expo (+ reagent + re-frame) and working on my first project. An input field with the traditional Ratom as value is barely usable (wonky typing, same issue as web has sometimes). useState works fine. Iā€™d rather not mix multiple approaches to manage local state, so this will push me over to use the hooks API and drop the ratom for local state in all components. I will be keeping re-frameā€™s ratom for global state. Is this common practice / how does the rest manage text-inputs?

pez 2021-02-12T15:37:58.061300Z

I use a re-frame subscriptions and handlers almost everywhere. Dispatching the handler on :on-change-text. Seldom use local component state in other ratoms. Not seen this wonky behaviour you are mentioningā€¦

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T15:39:32.062200Z

Thanks for the input, Iā€™ll try going through the re-frame store then (wasnā€™t set up yet) :)

pez 2021-02-12T15:46:24.063300Z

It could also be an issue about wether it is controlled components or not.

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T15:46:57.063800Z

This is the behavior in case you were wondering

pez 2021-02-12T15:47:48.065Z

Oh, wow.

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T15:47:57.065200Z

Reagent in web has the same issue, but less often and less obvious. It has to do with component virtual re-rendering outside of the request animation frame

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T15:48:15.065600Z

It ā€˜looksā€™ related but hey Iā€™m just starting out with RN. What did you mean by controlled component?

pez 2021-02-12T15:49:50.066200Z

The re-frame database is updated in request animation frames, I think. Controlled components:

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T15:50:10.066800Z

Seems like the way to go then šŸ™‚

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T15:52:21.069Z

I usually kept ephemeral state local, like a toggle or simple inputs like search. Out of curiousity, how do you structure this in global state? Something like view namespaced keys at root? "foo"

pez 2021-02-12T15:55:54.071400Z

In the current project I am working with we use something we call ā€œformsā€. Itā€™s basically a path into the database where we store maps with data like this. I kinda like the pattern. It makes it easy to examine the state of the UI from the REPL.

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T15:56:49.071800Z

Cool, thanks for the insight

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lepistane 2021-02-12T18:21:26.072900Z

Why don't u share code? This has happened to me but i just want to confirm u are doing it

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T18:21:55.073200Z

@lepistane do you mean from the input bug I showed?

lepistane 2021-02-12T18:22:00.073400Z


yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T18:22:25.074Z

itā€™s a basic form-2 with a reagent atom. Iā€™ll make a snippet

lepistane 2021-02-12T18:22:54.074500Z

yeah i am now even more sure what's the issue. make the snippet

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T18:24:17.075200Z

Snippet is madeā€¦ testing for bug confirmationā€¦ loadingā€¦

joshmiller 2021-02-12T18:24:20.075300Z

@yannvahalewyn I wrote a blog post about input fields and state:

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T18:25:38.076600Z

@joshmiller thanks, Iā€™ll read that!

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T18:26:43.077700Z

@lepistane hereā€™s that snippet

(defn- broken-search-input []
  (let [value (reagent.core/atom "")]
    (fn []
      [rn/text-input {:value @value
                      :placeholder "Edit me"
                      :on-change-text #(reset! value %)}])))

lepistane 2021-02-12T18:26:46.077800Z

@joshmiller and i must thank you for this because u saved me few months ago with that blog post šŸ˜„ i wanted to see the code before i gave advice @yannvahalewyn try the link ā˜ļø that's basically what i wanted to share šŸ™‚ and it should fix your problem

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yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T18:27:34.078800Z

I figured it out but thanks for the help guys! šŸ™‚

lepistane 2021-02-12T18:29:37.079400Z

no worries, but all credit goes to @joshmiller always happy to see new people try the magic of cljs react native

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yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T18:32:30.081800Z

Itā€™s great! Was doubting but hearing that Iā€™ll post a little first day hacking result for a beginner happy message

joshmiller 2021-02-12T18:35:38.082600Z

It can be super frustrating dealing with bugs, especially with the more brittle parts of the RN toolchain. But when it works thereā€™s nothing else like it, itā€™s so productive.

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T18:36:52.083800Z

Some things were indeed frustrating. But since I know and love the productivity of the language from web dev I could power through thinking about whatā€™s to come :)

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-12T21:17:24.091200Z

Hi all šŸ‘‹ So Iā€™ve finished my first day of hacking on a cljsrn app. And thought Iā€™d share a bit of joy and experiences casually with the community. It was great! I had fun! Then I was frustrated! Then I had fun again! You know how it goes šŸ˜„. My relevant knowledge before today was experience with clojure, clojurescript, reagent, re-frame and lots of full stack day-job experience with it. I knew about React Native and the basic idea (because itā€™s so mainstream, hard to miss) and I had setup a hello world with expo yesterday. Today I started studying and following tutorials but studying without a clear goal is extremely procrastinatable (yes, that most probably is a word) in my mind so I decided to just start building (f* it) and solve whatever I run into. :thumbsup: The good a.k.a: best day ever First of all, Expo is a freakinā€™ gift from the heavens for first timers šŸ™Œ. I was putting this baby off because I knew setup was long and complicated (tried it once couple of years ago). I started by setting up emulators because I remembered setting up a dev device was harder. When I realized I could download an app, scan a barcode and have a development physical machine in my hand, my mind was officially blown šŸ¤Æ. That was such a thrill and rush! I donā€™t own an iOS device for testing, and the lack of setup also opens a door to borrowing one and testing it out before release which is amazing for no-budget projects. If I was less stubborn and better at reading guides I wouldā€™ve been writing and running code under an hour on a physical device without any prior knowledge of expo. Now it took me a couple šŸ˜‰. I managed to build way more than I thought would be possible in a first day with zero experience! Granted itā€™s not much, itā€™s just a static UI (screenshots below). But achieving this in a short timeframe using only docs shallowly proved that training a web developer to switch to a native project is a low effort high reward deal. The biggest reason I got to be productive, next to Expo, was RNā€™s adoption of base concepts in CSS. Having flex box, margins and padding is such a natural and productive way to style layouts and second nature for me that it didnā€™t require any time to get up and running. I appreciate Facebookā€™s choice and design in the matter. React Native components and expo modules have great documentation with clear examples, they were a breeze to browse and overall a great resource even for first time readers. :thumbsdown: The bad a.k.a: not horrible but just, way less good Getting fonts up and running was mildly frustrating, I lost a bit of time trying to setup a (expo-google-) font and being able to use the :font-weight attribute to bolden things. Using :font-family on every element for every weight seemed a bit weird coming from web. Solvable by having a typography namespace with reusable components or any other abstraction of course, but the essence of the matter bothered me a bit. Iā€™m probably missing something but couldnā€™t find any relevant real world examples. On the flip side, having expo expose (PUN INTENDED) all the google fonts in a simple module is a very friendly feature. Scroll views were hard and unpredictable. Apart from messing with ā€˜flex 1ā€™ parents, padding on the scroll view also caused weird bugs. I ended up wrapping the children with a view with padding but I couldnā€™t (quickly) find what caused the issues. Hot reload times are pretty bad on my machine. Hello world reloads in ~30s with a full refresh (seing the expo splash screen). Iā€™m a bit worried about this when a project matures. Today it was a bit counter productive when styling components as my workflow is to space everything out too much and gradually reducing whitespace until it feels right. Iā€™ve found that has itā€™s own reload component (and bypassing fast-reload required) that Iā€™m thinking about trying out. Usage demoā€™d in this Iā€™m wondering how other people experience and handle this. There are lotā€™s of slightly different opinions and guidelines on when to use which of the Touchable* components, but a lack of real world examples and how you would develop cross platform UIā€™s using them correctly. The official docs donā€™t seem to have an opinion on this. Iā€™ll figure it out eventually but pointers are welcome. There are not that many resources, real world example projects, relevant up to date blogs about CLJSRN out there. But thankfully, like for the web, itā€™s not a bit step to translate JS examples to CLJS so Iā€™m happy I can piggy back on the JS community for the most part. There are not many best practices on how to structure a cross platform application out there. My current strategy is to just cross that bridge when I run into issues, but some general guidelines on what seems to work well would be a nice read. For example, I may want to share as much code as possible between iOS, android and web. Expo kinda builds for the web as well and seems to suggest this is a way to go, but instinctively Iā€™m thinking I should write native views with some branches for ios/android and seperate web views (and share the other bulk of application code). The web feels like a different beast mostly in terms of features and accessibility that writing a solution that compiles gracefully to both is probably a source of headaches. Iā€™m sure other people have run into this, solved this but no knowledge seems to be available or I havenā€™t found it yet. šŸ˜” The ugly a.k.a: omg make it stawp Big shock: errors and source maps! Almost every error I had would have a stacktrace to useFont.ts and a gibberish stack trace šŸ˜…. Error message were either very useful (explicit RN messages) or complete gibberish. What I found amusing is that Iā€™m used to this being the other way around. Seeing this issue: Iā€™m not hoping on improvements soon. Today my workflow on errors was to uncomment code and enabling it piece by piece until Iā€™ve found the culprit. This in combination with slow reload times was a big flow killer. Especially since I tend to save files less often because of the reload times, making the changes bigger and the debug process even bulkier. Any insights on how this is handled in bigger projects is more than welcome. Conclusion Overall, I am amazed by how far I got today and I had loads of fun. Coming from web and applying my knowledge efficiently on a native platform was an amazing experience and it feels like in one day Iā€™ve managed to greatly expand my toolkit and reach as a developer without too much effort. Thanks for the hard worked of all involved, especially the React Native team and Expoā€™s sublime efforts for making it accessible to NOOBS. Here are some screenshots of my progress. Iā€™m building a songbook app for performing singer (/songwriters). Structuring, managing, cooperating and labeling songs (lyrics and chords) will be the focus of this toy app. Thanks for reading šŸ™‚

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joshmiller 2021-02-12T22:26:32.093800Z

Awesome! Definitely keep hanging out, weā€™ve all helped each other debug a whole bunch of issues here, and lots of times it helps to just have a pair of eyes that has seen an impenetrable stacktrace before.