cljsrn | | |
joshmiller 2021-02-14T00:00:03.098900Z

@yannvahalewyn I was just looking at the JS version of that. I have a crappy reimplementation of half of Tailwind in my project, so I have been looking around for options.

Aleksander Rendtslev 2021-02-14T12:44:00.101200Z

Awesome! I was literally in the process of figuring something out myself. I created a macro based approach but it didn't use the tailwind.config.js so I was looking into tailwind-rn

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-14T13:32:03.101400Z

Great! Please post things if you figure out useful things 🙂

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-14T13:33:21.102200Z

@joshmiller glad to show an option. Was it useful / would you do it differently?

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-15T16:14:53.110500Z

Good luck!

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-14T14:27:09.108700Z

I’m getting a tad confused with components/classes/elements today.

(defn root []
  [:> nav/NavigationContainer
    [:> Navigator
      [:> Screen {:name "Home" :component (r/reactify-component home-view/component)}]]]_

(defn start []
  (expo/render-root (r/as-element [:f> root])))
There’s a good mix of :>, :f>, reactify-component, as-element, etc.. I get the gist, but does anyone know of a good resource that explains the differences? I’m also looking for the documentation about those :> , I don’t know how these are called (reagent special keywords syntactic sugar thingies) making googling a bit tricky 🙃

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-15T14:33:51.110300Z

@lepistane thanks for the name! It’s not in the wiki and can’t find anything about beak operators though. @joshmiller I’m doing that too ofc 🙂

lepistane 2021-02-16T08:13:32.110900Z

alright i misplaced the info 🙂 it's in re-natal

yannvahalewyn 2021-02-17T11:37:04.113600Z


lepistane 2021-02-14T23:20:07.109Z

beak operator in reagent i think it's in the wiki rest is explained there as well