Anyone have experience with Ionic Framework? I'm trying to assess strengths and weaknesses.
New question. I'm doing a quick Expo prototype. No CLJS just now. I'd love some quick and easy global state... if this was CLJS land I'd use reagent... does JS land have a good simple equivalent?
Thanks @raspasov and @barnes.kai
you’ve probably already seen this, but you might also consider react’s context api
context/reducer is a common pattern
I thought redux is the way to manage react state
redux is a way, but react’s own context api + hooks can replace most (all?) of it
(I see recoiljs which seems promising)
I’ve never done a React project with JS, but you’d probably want something like ImmutableJS if you plan to stick with the global state approach in React+JS beyond a toy example
Haven’t used it myself yet, but I’ve heard good things about
yeah recoiljs looks really good
if you just want really basic stuff you can get by with putting the state in a global context
but it's very inefficient